Navigation Lights

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Navigation Lights

Post by Terry »

I’m in the process of fitting navigation lights and have gone for a masthead tri-colour above an all-round white light (Described as an anchor light in the catalogue) with a bi-colour light mounted at the pulpit. I intend the all-round white and the bi-colour light to be used for motoring. Can anyone tell me what minimum wattage should be used for the various lights? I realise that boats under 6 meters can getaway with only a white light of indeterminate luminosity but I’ve decided to go for the usual ‘boats under 12 meters’ option. The masthead came with a 10 watt “anchor” light and a 25 watt tri-colour light, the bi-colour is 10 watts.
Phil De Troy
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*** PROBABLY SPAM *** Navigation Lights

Post by Phil De Troy »


As a Swift is less than 7 metres, navigation ights are not compulsory according to IRPCS.
I used the same configuration on a larger boat (22 ft), and replaced the standard 10W bulb for white and 25W for colour by just 5W and 10 W. It was weaker indeed, but not illegal, I think...

Note that I equipped the boat also with a stern light and motor light (low), as a misfunction of the top lights can only be repaired in harbour. So even anchor light may be substitted by motor+stern.

----- Original Message -----
From: Terry (
To: (
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2007 5:38 PM
Subject: *** PROBABLY SPAM *** [Swift 18] Navigation Lights

I’m in the process of fitting navigation lights and have gone for a masthead tri-colour above an all-round white light (Described as an anchor light in the catalogue) with a bi-colour light mounted at the pulpit. I intend the all-round white and the bi-colour light to be used for motoring. Can anyone tell me what minimum wattage should be used for the various lights? I realise that boats under 6 meters can getaway with only a white light of indeterminate luminosity but I’ve decided to go for the usual ‘boats under 12 meters’ option. The masthead came with a 10 watt “anchor” light and a 25 watt tri-colour light, the bi-colour is 10 watts.

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Phil De Troy
Posts: 229
Joined: Thu May 18, 2006 8:56 am
Location: Gwynedd, North Wales

Post by Terry »

Thanks Phil, I guess there has to be a compromise between lights being bright enough and having no lights at all because the battery’s flat! I wondered, though, if an all-round white of only 5w and a tri-colour of 10w wouldn’t be pushing safety a bit. I’ve heard that something in between can be had from the motor vehicle industry.