407 update

General chat of non-technical subjects related to sailing
bob clarkson
Under way
Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Jan 11, 2018 9:42 am
Location: Codsall/Bridgnorth
Boat Name: Tarragon
Sail Number: 407

407 update

Post by bob clarkson »

:D Hi all
Following a winter working on our boat and trailer it was successfully trailed and test launched at a local sailing club.
Slight leak from screw holes in rear keel as rubbing strip removed.
It's amazing how seeing the boat on water lifts the enthusiasm up a notch it two!
Now back on dry land the recommissioning continues.
General works include gel coat revival including sorting many small stress cracks and the biggest job to re make the rudder blade as the ply interior be is completely rotten causing many large blisters etc.
Fortunately the alloy strengthener is fine so we can rebuild it.
More later.
Bob and Mike