trailer prices

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gordon shenton
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trailer prices

Post by gordon shenton »

I need a new road trailer for my Swift 18.
Can anyone tell me the type to look for, new or second hand. Also an idea of cost.
Many thanks
Phil De Troy
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trailer prices

Post by Phil De Troy »

Just ordered a Riba trailer for a Micro, 750 kg max weight, 180 kg dry weight, unbraked, price 2215 EUR / approx 1500 GBP... But this trailer is probably just too small for a Swift. Bad luck.

----- Original Message -----
From: gordon shenton (
To: (
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 11:56 AM
Subject: [Swift 18] trailer prices

I need a new road trailer for my Swift 18.
Can anyone tell me the type to look for, new or second hand. Also an idea of cost.
Many thanks

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Phil De Troy
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Post by Terry »

Did you check out the one in the 'For Sale' section?
gordon shenton
Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:27 pm

Post by gordon shenton »

Thanks Terry
the trailer you mention is not suitable.
I should also mention that I do have a trailer but its unbraked and I'm not sure about the legal requirments for towing with it.
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Post by whiteede »

Greetings all,
I have just bought a Swift18 on a good braked trailer - an Aqua trailer from Talywain Gwent though i can't find them on a website. It has a Bradley HU3H key lockable coupling. I have noticed that many pictures of Swifts show an Aqua trailer though a downside of mine is that it has the 'agricultural' 5 stud bolted hubs and 6"x9" tyres which are £70 each! Here is a picture. It carries the weight fine and is easy to load onto. I believe modern breakback trailers are favouredd these days.
A centre roller has been removed which appears to aid the drop keel position.
A centre roller has been removed which appears to aid the drop keel position.
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trailer prices

Post by windsong »

Your trailer is exactly like mine and mine is a SBS trailer
(Wolverhampton). Yours could be a modified version because I don't
believe the original trailers had 5 studs!!

-----Original Message-----
From: whiteede []
Sent: 30 July 2008 18:03
Subject: [Swift 18] Re: trailer prices

Greetings all,
I have just bought a Swift18 on a good braked trailer - an Aqua trailer
from Talywain Gwent though i can't find them on a website. It has a
Bradley HU3H key lockable coupling. I have noticed that many pictures
of Swifts show an Aqua trailer though a downside of mine is that it has
the 'agricultural' 5 stud bolted hubs and 6"x9" tyres which are £70
each! Here is a picture. It carries the weight fine and is easy to
load onto. I believe modern breakback trailers are favouredd these

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