..................anyway I have now completed the repair myself and was suprised how easy it was to take out the whole mechanism leaving the keel resting on the trailer with a metal rod through the bolt hole. After getting an engineering company to copy the original I fitted the new one in.
One point though was that I didn't replace the inspection hatch as this was catching on the nuts that hold the "lever/bars" to the saddle instead I opted to fibreglass the whole thing shut. If it goes again I can just cut out in the same spot.

New mooring has just been dropped in at her new home Llyn Brenig in N Wales and BeBop will be launched next Sunday - wish me luck!
In answer to another listed topic about getting the boat on it's trailer when keel is down. I found this quite easy as it just swung back as I winched her up the trailer. Good strong winch needed though