Buying a boat checklist

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Buying a boat checklist

Post by AFG »

My friend Hugh and I have recently bought a Swift, and as part of the process acquired quite a lot of information about what to look for in a second-hand boat.

In addition to this excellent website, of particular help was Rutland sailor Charles Frisby, who had two Swifts, sailed them seemingly everywhere with his family, and who was a committee member of the Owners Association for a while. Charles now sails a Kinsman on Rutland Water and we have raced against him in our Squib many times. It was kind of him to offer his advice which I then added to the other snippets we'd collected to make up a check list of what to look for when viewing a boat.

Now of course I'm no expert, having only had the boat for a week ( :-) ). But we have finished up with a really nice example of the class, so if anyone would like a copy of the check list we made from the various conversations we had, please let me know and I'll send it to you.

Tony G
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Buying a boat checklist

Post by helenandpete »

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Glad you got a good boat as I think I did. However I would be very interested in seeing your check list, if only for ideas of things to check that I may not have looked at on Tadpole.
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-----Original Message-----
From: AFG []
Sent: 18 March 2009 13:06
Subject: [Swift 18] Buying a boat checklist
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My friend Hugh and I have recently bought a Swift, and as part of the process acquired quite a lot of information about what to look for in a second-hand boat.

In addition to this excellent website, of particular help was Rutland sailor Charles Frisby, who had two Swifts, sailed them seemingly everywhere with his family, and who was a committee member of the Owners Association for a while. Charles now sails a Kinsman on Rutland Water and we have raced against him in our Squib many times. It was kind of him to offer his advice which I then added to the other snippets we'd collected to make up a check list of what to look for when viewing a boat.

Now of course I'm no expert, having only had the boat for a week ( Image). But we have finished up with a really nice example of the class, so if anyone would like a copy of the check list we made from the various conversations we had, please let me know and I'll send it to you.

Tony G
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Post by robvega »

Hi Tony
I think many of us would like to see your checklist. Perhaps Terry or Andy could find a permenant place for it on this site?
Hope you enjoy your 'new' boat!