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Charlie Smiff
Posts: 6
Joined: Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:03 am


Post by Charlie Smiff »

And listen, I am looking for a very, VERY nice Swift 18. I am talking pretty much immaculate here, both inside and out. The boat I am looking for doesn't have knackered and worn sails or knackered or worn anything else for that matter. If you have such an animal, and are thinking that you might want to sell her so that you can move on to pastures or vessels new, do get in touch.

I would prefer a boat that is in the original Swift colours, I am not wanting any painted jobbies. I am willing to pay quite a bit more than the 4250k-4750k that Swifts generally go for, however saying that, I am a long way from being a mug punter.

If you have a boat that you think I might be interested in, get in touch in the first instance via this forum.

Cheers, Charlie.