Hatch Leak

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Location: Nr Chorley, Lancs

Hatch Leak

Post by Kevinbwilko »

I have a small drip from around the hatch somewhere. I have removed and resealed it and replaced the rubber. The perspex looks crazed on the outside but OK on inside. Has anybody replaced it and how easy? Any other reasons for a leak?
Have searched forum and apologise if this has been done before but gave up looking!
Thanks in anticipation everybody!!!
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Hatch leak

Post by mikeprojectboat »

Hi, Are you are sure that you have re-sealed the seating for the hatch onto the deck,and the hatch lid .? If so , you might want to consider that water is coming in from another area, and tracking down to the hatch.? Both the hatch garage screws and the tabernackle bolts(mast mount) are fixed above the hatch. Could be a mast mounting bolt ?. Allowing water to track down to the hatch area, (this would act as a stop) Then to show up as a damp spot or drip.! Don't forget water will go to its lowest point,so consider other areas. Try a hose sprinkler showering the hatch area,with you inside checking the seals,or coloured water.(use a diferent colour for each area you want to checkout) and not all at the same time!! Best of luck. Mike in sunny Norfolk... ps. Norfolk Broads has some water in it at last.!!
Making way
Posts: 28
Joined: Tue Jan 05, 2010 5:51 pm
Location: Nr Chorley, Lancs


Post by Kevinbwilko »

Thanks for suggestions, but sorry, should have been clerarer! The drip appears to be from aroung the screw holding the perspex in place at bottom starboard rather than from seat/base of hatch. Seems tight enough.